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Our business philosophy
Our business relies on fundamental principles.

Money back  Exclusive  Documentation  If cracked

Money back guarantee.

You do not have to take any financial risk by using TPVS products. If it has any security breach or it is proved to be cracked for a given period of time, for which TPVS is responsible, you will get your money back. To decrease your risk, you are strongly encouraged to use other more conventional security measures, too.

Exclusive contracts.

We are willing to make exclusive contracts for a particular product category with our co-developers. This means that by entering into a contact with such conditions, one can close out the competition applying the UPE encryption and software protection technology for a period of time or a product cycle or for a whole product category.

For more details contact us.

No undocumented features.

We do not have any legal experts from any country. We do not have have ideological commitments in our business. So, we implement whatever our customers ask for, provided it is not against Hungarian law. We maintain only one restriction: Every major feature of the program is documented. So, for example, we can and willing to implement wiretapping, key recovery etc features without investigating whether it is legal or not in a particular country, provided it is shown to the user in a highly noticeable and  tamper-proof way. So, he can decide himself whether to use it or not.

Security breaches.

Every security breach is immediately reported to users - who subscribed to our alert list during registration - thorough an e-mail alert. If protection is available, it is also reported. To get it in time, please subscribe to our list by sending your product registration code.

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